How come it feels like it's meant to be // Every time I fall in love?
Ellipses: The Tinder Stalk
Wednesday, 15 April 2015

And we were following her.
Read the rest of the story on Ellipses
Recently Reading
Monday, 13 April 2015

Not That Kind of Girl – Lena Dunham. I’m a big fan of all things Lena Dunham – Girls, Tiny Furniture, most of the nonsense she comes out with in interviews – and this book was no exception. Having received it as a gift from my Mum this Christmas (following a subtle text containing an image of said book, and the words ‘please buy me this’) I proceeded to spend the majority of my break reading up on Lena’s weird and wonderful adventures, many of which did something for me that many other reading materials have failed to do – they made me feel like it was OK to be a bit out of sync. Covering sex, work, relationships and everything inbetween, Dunham’s memoir is a work of art, and a must read for any young woman on the fast track to ‘what the hell is this life I’m living?’ My favourite chapter? ‘Platonic Bed Sharing: A Great Idea (For People Who Hate Themselves)’ – because who hasn’t indulged in a sexless snuggle with someone inappropriate?
The Cuckoo’s Calling – Robert Galbraith. It took me a long time to come around to reading this particular book, due to a burning fury directed at JKR for being so utterly un-feminist, and penning a story under a man’s name. Despite internal protests, when I actually gave this book a chance, I found it quite enjoyable. Following the adventures of a disgruntled detective and his far-too-eager assistant, The Cuckoo’s Calling is a murder mystery with an unpredictable ending. And despite a passage alluding to the aforementioned assistant receiving a call on the London underground (which is impossible, and so irritated me hugely) I enjoyed the story, and would recommend it to anyone looking for an easy read. Whilst not the best-written piece of literature out there, The Cuckoo’s Calling had it’s shining moments, as illustrated in a quote that stood out to me. Paraphrasing slightly: “Seven and a half million hearts were beating in close proximity, and many aching far worse than his" - I thought that was kind of beautiful.
Reading next: Misfit. Trainspotting. A Streetcar Named Desire.
Do you have any recommendations?
Alexa Chung on Heartbreak
Thursday, 9 April 2015
"The problem with heartbreak is that nobody can help you when you're heartbroken. Nobody and nothing. Not the films you watch alone desperately searching for a character who feels the way you do, not the glasses or bottles of whiskey you keep by your bed and certainly not Instagram. Instagram will not mend your broken heart, despite your best efforts to post pictures of yourself looking 'happy.' Every time you post a picture of yourself to Instagram looking fake happy a fairy dies. Fact. Also, scrolling through photos of girls your ex may or may not be shagging won't help you. You need to remind yourself that the right filter can be fantastically flattering and she probably doesn't look that good in real life.
"Sometimes when I need answers I like to take my questions to Google. I googled 'how long does heartbreak last?' The result more popular than that was 'how long does heartburn last?' This implies people suffer from heartburn more than they do heartbreak which is a good thing because heartbreak sucks way fucking more than acid reflux ever could. Weirdly though a broken heart does physically hurt. It feels heavy, like someone is sitting on your chest. Sometimes you wake up with pins and needles in your right arm. I met a girl who told me that an acupuncturist told her that if this happens you have a broken heart. The irony of a pin and needle therapist being an expert on needles and pins is fantastic. And that's the other thing it'll do to you. Heartbreak will force you to strike up conversation with anyone who will listen and who might be able to tell you it's going to be OK.
"There are upsides to despair. You can wear a blanket instead of a coat and your friends won't judge you. You can smoke indoors because no-one will have the heart to tell an inconsolable girl that a smoking ban has been in place for eight years. And you find out that people are very nice and that they care about you even if the person you care about most doesn't. When somebody makes you laugh when you're sad, that's the most enjoyable laugh you'll ever experience. On a positive day during an outdoor and legal cigarette break I told a friend that I was fine and trotted out the line 'what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.' To which she replied, deadpan, 'that's not true, that which doesn't kill you makes you wanna die.'
"The nicest thing I heard during the worst time in my life was this: 'you have to suffer heartbreak so you know what to tell your daughter when she has her heart broken.' I'm Alexa Chung and one day I'm going to have a daughter and I'm going to know what to say to her. I'm going to say:
"'Nobody goes through life without having their heart broken and one day you'll wake up and it'll be OK.'
"I can't fucking wait for that day to come."
Alexa Chung.
Wonderland | Heart Of Glass
Monday, 6 April 2015

There's something irresistible about anything 60's or 70's. The hair, the clothes, the promise of liberation from the oppressed society of the 1950's - there's an undeniably magical element to the era that makes me wish I could crawl inside and live in any photo series that portrays it the way I imagine it to have been. This shoot, from the Nov/Dec '14 issue of Wonderland magazine, gives me all of the 'this was when I should have been born' pangs of days gone by. As does this shoot, from a 2012 issue of Lula. Take me there... Pretty please?
1960's inspiration: The Beatles. Andy Warhol. Cat eye eyeliner.
1970's inspiration: Long hair. Hippies. Flower power.
More from this issue of Wonderland: Reasons to love Taylor Swift.
Micro Pleasures (11-20)
Friday, 3 April 2015
11. Peanut butter chocolate chip cookies - a heavenly recipe by my housemate/wife.
12. Tea and scones at Tartine, Tooting.
13. Clean sheets over a memory foam mattress surrounded by a thousand cushions. Yes, my bed is my happy place. No, you may not join me here.
14. The following songs: Titanium, Gravity, Earned It.
15. Quotes about womanhood and women and being OK with who you are. This one especially rang true for me lately. I AM WOMAN HEAR ME ROAR, etc.
16. Spontaneous trips away. In the past few months I've done Berlin, Paris and Edinburgh. Next up we have Belfast and Glasgow. Possibly Cardiff and Amsterdam.
17. Thick socks and fluffy blankets.
18. Five Guys burgers. Fries cooked in peanut oil accompanied by a bacon cheeseburger with hot sauce, peppers, onions and lettuce. Be still my beating heart.
19. Strange Sunday night activities. One such activity recently being to write names of people we have loved on paper, and attempting to burn them as a mark of letting them go. The paper wouldn't light. It was a hilarious failure.

20. Books about London. This one is my favourite.
12. Tea and scones at Tartine, Tooting.
13. Clean sheets over a memory foam mattress surrounded by a thousand cushions. Yes, my bed is my happy place. No, you may not join me here.

14. The following songs: Titanium, Gravity, Earned It.
15. Quotes about womanhood and women and being OK with who you are. This one especially rang true for me lately. I AM WOMAN HEAR ME ROAR, etc.
16. Spontaneous trips away. In the past few months I've done Berlin, Paris and Edinburgh. Next up we have Belfast and Glasgow. Possibly Cardiff and Amsterdam.
17. Thick socks and fluffy blankets.
18. Five Guys burgers. Fries cooked in peanut oil accompanied by a bacon cheeseburger with hot sauce, peppers, onions and lettuce. Be still my beating heart.
19. Strange Sunday night activities. One such activity recently being to write names of people we have loved on paper, and attempting to burn them as a mark of letting them go. The paper wouldn't light. It was a hilarious failure.

London Housemates.
Micro Pleasures.
Current Obsession
Monday, 30 March 2015
Don't leave, don't leave, don't leave, don't leave // You've only seen half of me.
And watching: American Horror Story. Once Upon A Time. Millionaire Matchmaker (I have discovered ITVBe.)
Current Obsession.
Oh Sister.
We Went To Paris
Tuesday, 24 March 2015
The weekend before last, Thom and I went to Paris. Booked on a whim when Eurostar had a sale, the trip was a welcome break from the repetitive nature our weekends have taken on of late. We loved it.
How to do Paris the Thom & Charlotte way
Book a cheap hotel near Montmartre - marvel at the French definition of a twin room, find it very amusing when one of you accidentally kicks the panel on the side of the bath, and it falls off. Spend 9 straight hours walking in random circles around the city, somehow managing to cover off both tourist attractions and more random pursuits, such as tiny Parisian pet shops. Watch in wonder as Thom falls madly in love with a (adorable, admittedly) French hamster, who will forever now be known as ‘George.’ Eat macarons in Montmartre after fighting off men trying to lure you in with friendship bracelets. Nap. Watch a strange TV show consisting of sloths yawning, while Ed Sheeran plays in the background. Get very drunk on cheap wine, play never have I ever. Take a stroll through the sex district in pursuit of a place to drink – stumble into a private club that lets you off being on the guest list, purely because they have no idea what you’re saying to them. Leave very quickly. Eat a Royale with cheese in bed whilst watching the French version of The Voice. Walk some more. Go to an enormous and slightly terrifying flea market, where everything appears to be made of tartan. Eat a baguette. Buy souvenirs. Go home.
To visit
- Shakespeare & Company – the most beautiful bookshop I’ve ever encountered.
- Sacre Coeur – more specifically, the outside of it. The view is worth the lifetime of steps/the harsh realisation that you need to get yourself to a gym, immediately.
- & the obvious ones, too – The Louvre, the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, Champs Elysees, the love lock bridge, etc.
To eat
- Macarons – available at most bakeries.
- Crème Brulee and a cup of tea – Café Des Deux Moulins (the Amelie café.)
To remember
Look up, the architecture is beautiful.
How to do Paris the Thom & Charlotte way
Book a cheap hotel near Montmartre - marvel at the French definition of a twin room, find it very amusing when one of you accidentally kicks the panel on the side of the bath, and it falls off. Spend 9 straight hours walking in random circles around the city, somehow managing to cover off both tourist attractions and more random pursuits, such as tiny Parisian pet shops. Watch in wonder as Thom falls madly in love with a (adorable, admittedly) French hamster, who will forever now be known as ‘George.’ Eat macarons in Montmartre after fighting off men trying to lure you in with friendship bracelets. Nap. Watch a strange TV show consisting of sloths yawning, while Ed Sheeran plays in the background. Get very drunk on cheap wine, play never have I ever. Take a stroll through the sex district in pursuit of a place to drink – stumble into a private club that lets you off being on the guest list, purely because they have no idea what you’re saying to them. Leave very quickly. Eat a Royale with cheese in bed whilst watching the French version of The Voice. Walk some more. Go to an enormous and slightly terrifying flea market, where everything appears to be made of tartan. Eat a baguette. Buy souvenirs. Go home.
To visit
- Shakespeare & Company – the most beautiful bookshop I’ve ever encountered.
- Sacre Coeur – more specifically, the outside of it. The view is worth the lifetime of steps/the harsh realisation that you need to get yourself to a gym, immediately.
- & the obvious ones, too – The Louvre, the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, Champs Elysees, the love lock bridge, etc.
To eat
- Macarons – available at most bakeries.
- Crème Brulee and a cup of tea – Café Des Deux Moulins (the Amelie café.)
To remember
Look up, the architecture is beautiful.
On Consent (& Tea)
Wednesday, 18 March 2015

On consent:
“You say “hey, would you like a cup of tea?” and they go “omg f–k yes, I would f–king LOVE a cup of tea! Thank you!” then you know they want a cup of tea.
“If you say “hey, would you like a cup of tea?” and they um and ahh and say, “I’m not really sure…” then you can make them a cup of tea or not, but be aware that they might not drink it, and if they don’t drink it then – this is the important bit – don’t make them drink it. You can’t blame them for you going to the effort of making the tea on the off-chance they wanted it; you just have to deal with them not drinking it. Just because you made it doesn’t mean you are entitled to watch them drink it.
“If they say “No thank you” then don’t make them tea. At all. Don’t make them tea, don’t make them drink tea, don’t get annoyed at them for not wanting tea. They just don’t want tea, ok?
“They might say “Yes please, that’s kind of you” and then when the tea arrives they actually don’t want the tea at all. Sure, that’s kind of annoying as you’ve gone to the effort of making the tea, but they remain under no obligation to drink the tea. They did want tea, now they don’t. Sometimes people change their mind in the time it takes to boil that kettle, brew the tea and add the milk. And it’s ok for people to change their mind, and you are still not entitled to watch them drink it even though you went to the trouble of making it.
“Unconscious people don’t want tea and can’t answer the question “do you want tea” because they are unconscious.”
I’ll pop the kettle on, shall I?
Image: Jean Shrimpton, looking like a total babe.
Jean Shrimpton.
The Independent
Valentino Pre-Fall 2015 Runway
Monday, 2 March 2015

Found via: Pleurs, by way of Vogue.
Another fashion favourite: Orla Kiely with Clarks.
Something else from Vogue: How to survive fashion week by Alexa Chung.
Alexa Chung.
Blogs I Love.
Orla Kiely.
Little Loves

2. The Rosie Project. I picked this up on a whim whilst charity shop book shopping (my weakness) and am now around halfway through. It's a charming and easy read, with lots of oddities that keep you wanting to learn more about each character, and I love the style in which it is written - a style that reminds me a lot of a favourite of mine, Silver Linings Playbook. At this point, I'd recommend it. I'll let you know if it's all downhill from here.
3. Clans of Scotland tartan scarf. I spent new year in Edinburgh, and inbetween Hogmanay celebrations, and dodgy fake accents, and a questionable club called The Hive that was actually FAB, I went in search of 'the perfect tartan scarf' - an endeavor my severely hungover housemate was less than enthused by. This one isn't actually as chunky as what I wanted, but I loved the colours, so I went for it anyway. It can now be found around my neck or on a hook behind my door, depending on my mood. And on the weather, obviously.
Listening to: On My Own, A Little Fall of Rain, Empty Chairs at Empty Tables #LesMis
Reading: Ellie's Favourite Things, The Laowai Life, Tiny Little Mixtapes
Blogs I Love.
Eddie Redmayne.
Harry Potter.
Les Miserables.
Little Loves.
Peter Alexander.
The Rosie Project.
Floyd & Violet
Friday, 27 February 2015

(Full story here. Image via the Hartwig family.)
More in the press: True love in 36 questions.
And something else adorable: Eddie Redmayne's BAFTA speech, which I may never recover from.
Nottingham City Guide
Thursday, 26 February 2015

Nottingham is famous for: Robin Hood, Brian Clough, lace.
Nottingham should be famous for: Food, drink, shopping and entertainment. My recommendations below...
(I grew up here, you can trust me.)
For a 'Sunday Dinner Burger' (it's exactly as it sounds) - Annie's Burger Shack, 5 Broadway, Nottingham, NG1 1PR
For a cheese and charcuterie board - Delilah, 12 Victoria Street, Nottingham, NG1 2EX
For pancakes with a side of english breakfast - The Warsaw Diner, 93-95 Derby Road, Nottingham NG1 5BB
For cheap but authentic Italian - Dolce, 11 Broad Street, Nottingham, NG1 3AJ
For all you can eat - Peachy Keens, 114 Upper Parliament Street, Nottingham, NG1 6LF
For a taste of London - Bill's, 15 Queen Street Nottingham, NG1 2BL
For the ultimate tomato soup - LP4, 3-5 Hounds Gate, City Centre, Nottingham, NG1 7AA
For a bento box - Chino Latino, 41 Maid Marian Way, Nottingham, NG1 6GD
For a traditional tea in a traditional setting - Thea Caffea, Enfield Chambers, 14a Low Pavement, Nottingham
For a quirkier tea in a quirkier setting (& one of my favourite places in the city) - Lee Rosy's, 17 Broad Street, Nottingham, NG1 3AJ
For really thick hot chocolate - Chocolate Utopia, 30 Friar Lane Nottingham, NG1 6DQ
For a deadly sin (cocktail) - Pit & Pendulum, 17 Victoria Street, Nottingham, NG1 2EW
For very strong beer and a board game - Brewdog, 122 Broad Street, Nottingham, NG1 1AL
For open mic over wine - Jam Jar, 17 Gibbons Street, Nottingham, NG7 2SB
For booze with a view - Rocket at Saltwater, The Corner House, Forman Street, Nottingham, NG1 4AA
For an American ski lodge feel (another favourite) - Canalhouse, 48-52 Canal Street, Nottingham, NG1 7EH
For quirky mainstream fashion - Urban Outfitters, 13-15 Victoria Centre, Nottingham, NG1 3QN
For vintage shopping - Vintage Warehouse, Cranbrook Street, Nottingham, NG1 1ER
For artisan foods - Delilah, 12 Victoria Street, Nottingham, NG1 2EX
For obscure magazines - Waterstones, 1-5 Bridlesmith Gate, Nottingham, NG1 2GR
For neon shag bands (& dreamcatchers, & crystals, & other random must haves) - Ice Nine, 9-13 Goose Gate, Nottingham, NG1 1FE
For comics - Page 45, 9 Market Street, City Centre, Nottingham, NG1 6HY
For cute (affordable) dresses - Ark, Victoria Buildings, Victoria Street, Nottingham
For ski gear - Two Seasons, 1 Fletcher Gate, Adams Walk, Nottingham, NG1 2FS
For art house cinema - Broadway, 14-18 Broad Street, City Centre, Nottingham, NG1 3AL
For dancing until you drop (and for mid-size gigs) - Rock City, 8 Talbot Street, Nottingham, NG1 5GG
For smaller gigs - Rescue Rooms, 25 Goldsmith Street, Nottingham, NG1 5LB
For deer, & for Batman fans (it was Wayne Manor) - Wollaton Hall, Nottingham, NG8 2AE
For ice skating - National Ice Arena, Bolero Square, Nottingham, NG1 1LY
For a historical aspect - Nottingham Castle, Castle Place, Nottingham, NG1 6EL
For a brisk walk in nature - Attenborough Nature Reserve, Barton Lane, Beeston, Attenborough, Nottingham, NG9 6DY
For contemporary art -Nottingham Contemporary, Weekday Cross, Nottingham, NG1 2GB
Tuesday, 24 February 2015

"I am a princess - all girls are.
Even if they live in tiny old attics.
Even if they dress in rags.
Even if they aren’t pretty.
Or smart. Or young.
They’re still princesses."
Even if they live in tiny old attics.
Even if they dress in rags.
Even if they aren’t pretty.
Or smart. Or young.
They’re still princesses."
A Little Princess.
London Fashion Week.
Rita Konig - At Home In Manhattan
Monday, 23 February 2015

Floral wallpaper, heart print sheets and breakfast in bed. When can I move in?
Found via: The Selby.
Another Selby stand out: Andy & Kate Spade at home in NYC.
Andy Spade.
Interior Design.
Kate Spade.
New York.
Rita Konig.
The Selby
Ankle Boots
Sunday, 22 February 2015

Other winter staples: New Look skater dresses, Primark comfy cosy tights, a tartan scarf straight from a gift shop in Edinburgh.
Ankle Boots.
Deena & Ozzy.
New Look.
Urban Outfitters
Ed Sheerchin
Sunday, 25 January 2015
Follow my blog with Bloglovin
This is wonderful.
This is wonderful.
Ed Sheeran.
Ed Sheerchin
The Theory Of Everything
Monday, 19 January 2015

There should be no boundaries to human endeavor.
We are all different.
However bad life may seem, there is always something you can do, and succeed at.
While there's life, there is hope.
I finally watched The Theory of Everything last night, and I can't get it out of my head. Based on the book 'Traveling to Infinity: My Life with Stephen' - a memoir by Jane Hawking - the film follows the relationship between Stephen Hawking and his first wife, Jane, from its very beginning until its very end. A truly beautiful piece of cinema, the development and transformation of the characters is nothing short of mesmerising, and the subject matter nothing short of devastating. But that's not what got to me. In fact, the thing that really struck me about this story - aside from the (very upsetting) portrayal of the tragic condition that threatened to end Stephen's life - was the quiet determination of Jane. Jane Hawking, a person that, unlike her former husband, could go by unnoticed. But a person that deserves to be recognised for her achievements nonetheless. For her stubborn, steadfast support of the person she'd chosen to spend her life with, even when things were at their most difficult. For her courage and her selflessness in giving herself so completely to another, and in her resolve to stand by the man she so blindly fell for, and who she gave up a huge part of her life to be with, even when everyone was telling her to walk away. If the Oscar worthy performance of the brilliant Eddie Redmayne, and of the ever fascinating Felicity Jones (who I have been a little bit obsessed with since Like Crazy) wasn't enough to draw you in, the true story of one woman's - dare I say extremely British, stiff upper lip what what! style - love and compassion for her increasingly difficult husband should. It's the most heart-wrenching thing I've seen in a long time, and you have to watch it. Just be prepared to ball your eyes out... I was basically inconsolable by the time the credits rolled. ♥
More of the women behind great men: Hadley Richardson. Edie Sedgwick. Jean Shrimpton.
On Galliano & Fashion
Friday, 16 January 2015

Personally, I'm unsure on what I think. While awful behaviour is inexcusable - especially in such an overtly aggressive and needless manner - should it determine whether someone's contribution to the world of creativity is acceptable or not, potentially depriving others of the pleasure they garner from the art created? I'm not sure. On the other hand, should we really offer such praise to those that behave in such a damaging manner to begin with? And are we involuntarily saying that it's OK to disrespect entire sections of society by welcoming Galliano back into the fashion fold? Again, I don't know.
Either way these words offer food for thought, and I'd be interested to hear which side of the argument you fall on.
Happy reading. x
It has been dubbed “Margiela Monday.” On the 12th of January, just a few short days away, a new chapter will begin in the story of one of Paris’s most illustrious fashion houses. The clothes, for many, will probably have little significance, with the welcoming of disgraced designer John Galliano back into the fashion fray acting as the main point of interest. For proponents of the idea that fashion holds a mirror to the world – accentuating its beauty and commenting on its flaws – Monday may be a watershed moment.A darling of fashion’s high profile names, Galliano enamoured audiences with his seductive creations for Givenchy and, latterly, Dior. He brought a sense of spectacle to an industry which many felt took itself all too seriously. But things went awry for the English-born designer in 2011 when he was arrested and later convicted of making anti-Semitic remarks in a Parisian bar. He would later blame drink, drugs and stress for his racist outbursts – a similar excuse to that employed by UKIP member, Kerry Smith, at the tail end of last year.
Galliano has since been forgiven by the fashion community and, in subsequent commentary, it has been painted as some sort of one-off, slip of the tongue. And who hasn’t advocated the gassing of the Jews when they’re stressed? Yet, Galliano’s arrest also coincided with the release of a video by a French news website recorded a year earlier in which he berated two females, ranting, “I love Hitler… People like you would be dead. Your mothers, your forefathers would all be fucking gassed.” Not only was this an example of his abhorrent racism, it showed that it was not a one-off. It would not be illogical to assume that there were more cases of Galliano racism than the one caught on film and the incident that resulted in his arrest.
There are few, if any, in the upper echelons of fashion that would deny the industry’s power extends beyond what is taken from the runway and sold in stores. Consumerism aside, fashion’s vanguard would argue that the discipline is part of a wider intellectual discourse – an integral aspect of contemporary culture which informs aspects of western life. How we dress and, therefore, how we help define our ideas of identity extend into wider social and moral issues. And those who champion this idea the most, tend to be at fashion’s very core.
On Monday, however, the fashion world will send a message, that racism is ok – as long as you possess a degree creative brilliance – and in doing so, chip away at the ideal that fashion deserves a meaningful voice. As the likes of Anna Wintour and her burgeoning league of disciples have shown through their embracing of Galliano, any power that fashion holds in commenting on issues outwith its own little realm is fast becoming a fallacy. It is not only through the designer’s forgiveness that this has been highlighted, but in the manner which his return has been reported. In the days which followed Margiela’s announcement of their new creative director, much of the commentary from fashion’s leading journalists centred on the fact that Galliano was the antithesis of the company’s founder – not that a man who had declared his love of Hitler was being ushered back in to a position of power, and more gallingly, influence.
If we truly wish to declare that fashion has power beyond the runway and, therefore, its main protagonists have influence – how can we reconcile this with the fact that we’re giving an anti-Semite one of the biggest platforms upon which to communicate? Forgiveness, perhaps? But that can be achieved without giving Galliano a far-reaching voice. Monday will communicate a wider message to those not enamoured with the view that fashion holds a greater power – the message that we are aloof, uncaring of wider issues and ready to ignore any sense of morality at the drop of a lace-embellished hat.
For each person that stands and applauds Galliano’s inevitably tearful bow on Monday, the cultural gravitas of the discipline is diminished in the eyes of the wider world. And with so many high-profile figures clamouring to do so, maybe it’s for the best.
Anna Wintour.
Current Affairs.
The Reference Council
Raspberry Meld
Wednesday, 14 January 2015

(Side note: defines 'whim' as "an odd or capricious notion or desire; a sudden or freakish fancy" - Adorable.)
I'm in love.
Ruby Sparks
Thursday, 8 January 2015

"You have all these rules, and you don’t tell me what they are until whoops! I’ve broken one, and then you get to be disappointed with me?"
- Ruby Sparks, describing every relationship I've ever been in.
You have to watch this movie.
Related: What If, Happythankyoumoreplease
Ruby Sparks.
Zoe Kazan
Current Obsession
Wednesday, 7 January 2015
Fade into you // It's been a while since I have even heard from you.
Current Obsession.
Taylor Swift
Micro Pleasures (1-10)
Sunday, 4 January 2015
From the hedgehogs on my bedsheets, to the box of teabags by my kettle, to the gothic mirror I found in a junk shop in my third year of university, and have carted with me everywhere since, I'm constantly surrounding myself with things that bring me little moments of happiness. 'Micro Pleasures,' as The Goddess Experience would call them. The debris of a life well lived, as the older generation might say. 'My stuff' as I'd go about it.
On Saturday, Thom suggested we begin a 'gratuity jar,' to put some positivity into our collective lives. This escalated to become a colour coded 'gratuity calendar,' with a different coloured post it note for each housemate and then, for me at least, it became an idea for a blog series. Much like the '100 things that make me happy' lists I put together way back in another life, these posts will be used to document the things that bring me joy, or pleasure, as the title suggests. Because what better way is there to combat loneliness and romantic drama than to take stock of the things in life that make you crazy happy? No better way, that's what. Absolutely none whatsoever.
Here goes nothing...
1. My four legged feline friends. Erm, can we just take note of how tiny Charlie looks in Thom's arms? I love this.

2. Sanctuary spa candles.
3. Photography by David Bailey.

4. The blackboard in our living room. This is where we leave each other notes. Random, ridiculous notes. Mostly just quotes, really. And ripped out pictures of Taylor Swift with 'long live the queen' scrawled across them.
5. Movie posters on bedroom walls.
6. Receiving a text message from someone adorable.

7. Proper pyjamas. Yes, this is what I mean when I say I'm going to 'slip into something more comfortable' - eat your heart out gentlemen.
8. Time spent on the sofa with housemates, discussing absolutely everything, watching Big Bang Theory, and eating our weight in Camembert.
9. Camembert. Baked and served with crusty bread.

10. This necklace. Because it is exactly my taste in jewellery, and because Sam gave it to me for Christmas, which just shows how well she knows me. I've worn it every day since.
On Saturday, Thom suggested we begin a 'gratuity jar,' to put some positivity into our collective lives. This escalated to become a colour coded 'gratuity calendar,' with a different coloured post it note for each housemate and then, for me at least, it became an idea for a blog series. Much like the '100 things that make me happy' lists I put together way back in another life, these posts will be used to document the things that bring me joy, or pleasure, as the title suggests. Because what better way is there to combat loneliness and romantic drama than to take stock of the things in life that make you crazy happy? No better way, that's what. Absolutely none whatsoever.
Here goes nothing...
1. My four legged feline friends. Erm, can we just take note of how tiny Charlie looks in Thom's arms? I love this.

2. Sanctuary spa candles.
3. Photography by David Bailey.

4. The blackboard in our living room. This is where we leave each other notes. Random, ridiculous notes. Mostly just quotes, really. And ripped out pictures of Taylor Swift with 'long live the queen' scrawled across them.
5. Movie posters on bedroom walls.
6. Receiving a text message from someone adorable.

7. Proper pyjamas. Yes, this is what I mean when I say I'm going to 'slip into something more comfortable' - eat your heart out gentlemen.
8. Time spent on the sofa with housemates, discussing absolutely everything, watching Big Bang Theory, and eating our weight in Camembert.
9. Camembert. Baked and served with crusty bread.

10. This necklace. Because it is exactly my taste in jewellery, and because Sam gave it to me for Christmas, which just shows how well she knows me. I've worn it every day since.
London Housemates.
Micro Pleasures.