On Saturday, Thom suggested we begin a 'gratuity jar,' to put some positivity into our collective lives. This escalated to become a colour coded 'gratuity calendar,' with a different coloured post it note for each housemate and then, for me at least, it became an idea for a blog series. Much like the '100 things that make me happy' lists I put together way back in another life, these posts will be used to document the things that bring me joy, or pleasure, as the title suggests. Because what better way is there to combat loneliness and romantic drama than to take stock of the things in life that make you crazy happy? No better way, that's what. Absolutely none whatsoever.
Here goes nothing...
1. My four legged feline friends. Erm, can we just take note of how tiny Charlie looks in Thom's arms? I love this.

2. Sanctuary spa candles.
3. Photography by David Bailey.

4. The blackboard in our living room. This is where we leave each other notes. Random, ridiculous notes. Mostly just quotes, really. And ripped out pictures of Taylor Swift with 'long live the queen' scrawled across them.
5. Movie posters on bedroom walls.
6. Receiving a text message from someone adorable.

7. Proper pyjamas. Yes, this is what I mean when I say I'm going to 'slip into something more comfortable' - eat your heart out gentlemen.
8. Time spent on the sofa with housemates, discussing absolutely everything, watching Big Bang Theory, and eating our weight in Camembert.
9. Camembert. Baked and served with crusty bread.

10. This necklace. Because it is exactly my taste in jewellery, and because Sam gave it to me for Christmas, which just shows how well she knows me. I've worn it every day since.